The Little Prince 2010



“Born in 1943 or rather conceived in the USA by French pilot, writer and artist Antoine de Saint Exupery, the little Prince is indeed unique in all the world. This tale addressed to children of all ages is one of the most translated literary works, with 160 existing translations and 80 millions copies worldwide. The little Prince claims his own museum in Japan, and even the French Frank had its little man hero carved on it for posterity. So precious a character the boy from Asteroid B612 was to his creator that he drew his portrait in his sketchbook for years before he gave him life o the written page. He is also dear to us all who have heard his childish but oh-so-wise voice! The little Prince certainly is a classic piece of literature that one should not leave on the shelf but quote from often as it reminds us of what is truly important.” Quote from French paper Figaro.

 The original story by Antoine de Saint Exupery is an enchanting tale about friendship and love. The little prince, a lone personage on his small planet, falls in love with a rose whose seed was blown from no one knew where. He encounters difficulty misunderstanding her vain and complicated character. Despite her stunning beauty and the enchantment her fragrance brings to his planet, she torments him with her demands and brags. He then undertakes an escape by means of a migration of birds to other planets where he encounters many other strange and absurd characters. Finally he descends to the earth where a wise fox teaches him what is truly important and what friendship and love is all about. Only then can the little prince return home aided by a snake, to his rose.
Jesse Watson returned to her role as the Little Prince, Haley Fraser took the principal role of the rose, Cassie Ehler danced the snake, and Rachelle Aucoin as the fox.
The sheep, the roses and the stars were performed flawlessly by the students of the school after months of rehearsals. Characters of the planets were mimed to rag times and captured the ridicule the author would have desired.


  • Posted on 27. October 2012
  • Written by V. Bergmann
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